Microscopic operation designed to eradicate ear infection, avoid complications and reconstruct the ear drum and elements of the middle ear. Its usually done under local anesthesia in adults with very small incisions and is a day care procedure. The patients own tissue eg. bone, cartilage and/or prosthetic materials eg titanium are used in reconstruction.
Microsurgery for fixation of stapes in which the fixed stapes(usually due to otosclerosis, but could be due to inflammation or even congenital) is replaced by a prosthesis so that energy conduction to the inner ear is re-established
Various implants, depending on the type and severity of hearing loss, may be fitted eg. cochlear implants for severe nerve deafness in adults and children, hybrid implants for deafness that gets inadequate benefit with hearing aid, bone anchored hearing aids for single sided deafness, irrepairable bone deafness and for congenital ear malformations
Minor procedures:
Tympanostomy tube placements, removal of foreign bodies, wax and small tumours and swellings, excison of preauricular sinus
Surgery for vertigo:
When dizzy patients are not better with medication and exercise, and their dizziness can be pinpointed to the ear, surgery may be advised. Injection or placement of medication (gentamycin/steroid) behind the ear drum onto the round and owal windows, is useful. Other times surgery on the semicular canals, vestibule and the nerve of hearing and balance are advised
Nasal and Sinus Surgery:
Nasal surgery is done for stuffy blocked noses, headaches and facial pain, nasal discharge and if the person desires a change in his facial profile. Endoscopic nasal and sinus surgery is done using telescopes( to which a powerful camera is attached) inserted into the nose and with very fine instruments, the operation is done watching the picture on the TV monitor. Sophiticated rotary cutting and sucking instruments and sometimes lasers are used for surgery.In endoscopic surgery, external incisions and hence scars are avoided. Pain is also minimum as is the post operative hospital stay and post operative treatment.
Balloon sinusplasty is a new treatment that is offered for chronic nasal complaints. This procedure is done under general anesthesia and involves the passage of fine catheters and balloons into the openings of the paranasal sinus; the balloons are then inflated so as to permanently displace bones widen the sinus openings in a non-traumatic manner. Some tumours-benign and malignant may be treated by endoscopic methods. A majority of the nasal and sinus cancers need surgery along with radiation and chemotherapy as treatment. Treatment is planned with help from a cancer physician.Endoscopic surgery through the nose is also done for tumors of the pituitary gland, leaks of brain fluid through the nose, and some injuries infections and tumors of the eye and orbit. Surgery of the lacrimal passage is also done through the nose
Surgery for Voice Disorders:
Several disorders of voice can be treated with medication(antibiotics, steroids, antacids), lifestyle changes (less stress, breathing excercises, diet control), improving voice hygiene(less talking, shouting,singing) and voice therapy by our audiologist and speech therapist. When surgery is required for nodules, polyps or swellings on vocal cords it is done endoscopically (through the mouth) using the operating microscope and extremely fine instruments and sometimes the laser. This is known as microlaryngoscopy. For paralysed vocal cords to improve voice and to change the pitch of voice, external surgery is performed under local anesthesia wherin the tension in the vocal cord is changed and implants may be used. Most voice surgery is also day-care surgery needing minimum hospital stay. After voice surgery, voice therapy is a must to sustain improvement and ensure that the problem does nor re-occur